Term Dates, Times and Prices

Everything you need to know about OUR classes at woapa

Below, you will find term dates, times & prices of our
ADULT SINGING GROUPS (Beginners & Advanced), and our
Witney Youth Choir (Showchoir). 

Please click one of the picture links below, which will direct you to specific details for that group.

Theatre School

Singing | Drama | Dance

Ages 4 - 16yrs

Witney - Oxfordshire

find out more

Witney Youth Choir, Witney Children's Choir

Ages 7 - 16yrs

Witney - Oxfordshire

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Adult Singing Groups, Witney Choirs

Age 16+

Witney - Oxfordshire

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Classes for children with learning disabilities

Ages 7 - 18yrs

Witney - Oxfordshire

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WOAPA is an Arts Award Center, LAMDA, PPL, FSB and Family Arts Standards