Messiah Singing resources
Please see videos below
1. The first chorus (No 4, page 10)
"And The Glory Of The Lord"
This video takes you through the first chorus explaining what to look out for.
Also included in this video is 'Signposting' and looking for patterns in the music.
2. The second chorus (No 7, page 27)
"And He Shall Purify"
This video talks you through our second chorus, including how to approach those difficult phrases plus more things to look out for.
3. The Third Chorus
"O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings"
(No 9, page 33)
Our third chorus, introducing 6/8 timing.
4. The Fourth Chorus
"For Unto Us A Child Is Born"
(No 12, page 47)
Our Fourth chorus, announcing the birth of the Messiah.