WOAPA Burford children's drama class - Grubson Pug's Christmas Voyage

Children from WOAPA in Witney, recently attended a Saturday drama class in Burford to appear in a promotional video for a book called "Grubson Pug's Christmas Voyage".
The author, Jane-Anne Hodgson, visited the school in Witney and specially invited a group of West Oxfordshire Academy of Performing Arts' Saturday Theatre School children to Burford, to attend a special drama class which was led by our own drama tutor, Kieran. The children were able to explore some of the characters, themes and storylines from the book.
The book has already appeared in Primary Times' top ten Christmas books list and most recently, has been long-listed for the Rubery Book Award 2013.
The children, who all attend WOAPA's weekly children's Saturday Theatre School in Witney, had all been given a free copy of the book and had prepared before the event.
A sequel to the book, "Banzai’s Unexpected Voyage", is also due to be published in October 2013.
"The children were delightful" commented Jane-Anne. "They worked so hard and had such a professional attitude. They worked so well together and obviously receive top quality tuition at WOAPA. I would certainly recommend them".
Principal, Brian Conroy believes that one of WOAPA's strengths is that WOAPA students have opportunities to perform outside of the classroom. "Over the past year, we have recorded a CD, performed on the main stage at Witney Christmas Lights switch-on event, promoted a recording studio in Oxford, performed at a large summer festival and many other events. We have had children perform in shows at The New Theatre in Oxford, in professional productions, a music video, and assisted them to audition for roles on TV. We were thrilled when Jane-Anne approached us to work with her. The children loved her book and we hope to have the opportunity of working with her again soon".
If your child would like to attend WOAPA's Children's Saturday Theatre School, please contact us to arrange a FREE taster session HERE