Witney Music Festival 2014
This is the eighth year of the free festival and it has gained growing popularity for its diversity of music genres and variety of interesting venues. The organisers are hoping for a record turn out this year and are hoping that the whole community will get involved.
and on Saturday 24th May - a special outdoor event called - Better Together!
Following the success of the first major open-air music festival - 'Live on the Leys in April 2013, when about 3,500 people gathered on The Leys for a musical celebration, Saturday 24th May 2014 will herald the Witney Music Festival 2014 'Better Together!' or more fully, Its always Better when were Together on the Leys.
Apart from the Main Stage and the Alternative Stage, there will be a Silent Disco, a variety of food and drink outlets, activities and interests for all ages and tastes.
Witneys Eighth Outdoor Music Festival, Better together!, will be staged from 12 midday to 10:00pm on Saturday 24th May and mostly indoors at a variety of venues during the preceding and following weeks.
Festival Guides will be available nearer the time and the website will keep everyone in touch with the exciting action the people, performances, artists, venues, and all the exciting spin-off stuff.