Performing Arts School raises £1220 for Witney Town Mayor's Charity Fund
WOAPA is delighted to announce that an amazing £1220 has been raised during our Spring term for the Witney Town Mayor's Charity Fund.
In a break with tradition the Mayor for 2018-19, Cllr Brenda Churchill has decided to help as many local groups and charities as possible in her year as Mayor by fundraising towards a ‘Mayor’s Charity Fund’.
The fund is for local charity groups who fall through the net of large-scale funding to be able to apply for small grants from this fund to carry out small-scale projects, which have a direct benefit to Witney residents.

The money was raised by WOAPA students holding a cake sale - students made and bought cakes over one weekend during the term.

Also, our end of term performances are always free for parents to attend but on this occasion, a small fee was charged.

In total, £1220 was raised for the Charity Fund.
Witney Town Mayor, Brenda Churchill, attended the Saturday AM performance and was delighted with the standard of the performance and the effort the students have put in to raise such an amazing amount.
Brenda will return to WOAPA next term to meet the students and to officially receive the donation.

How to apply
If you are a local group or charity, you can apply for a grant from the Witney Town Mayor's Charity Fund.
Applications must be received by 3rd May 2019.
Please see link below which will take you to the Witney Town Council page for the application form.