Oxfordshire MIND & West Oxfordshire Academy of Performing Arts Presents ....
Enjoy a great evening packed-full of singing, dance, drama & comedy performed entirely by students & singers from WOAPA - West Oxfordshire Academy of Performing Arts.
Dont miss what promises to be a very entertaining show!
Special guest compere: Radio Presenter - Stuart Brackley
Friday 18th October 2013
7.00 - 10.00pm
Langdale Hall, Witney Oxfordshire.
Tickets available soon.
All proceeds raised will be donated to Oxfordshire MIND Charity
WOAPA Summer Holiday - Summer School - August 2013
'At The Movies' - for 4 - 6 year olds - 5th - 9th August.
Adult Singing all-day workshop & concert - Sunday 11th August.
'Musical Theatre Summer School' - for 7 - 16 year olds - 12th - 16th August.
Singing, Dance & Drama Summer Holiday Courses for children aged 4 - 6 & 7-16 from Witney, Woodstock, Carterton, Burford, the Cotswolds & Beyond!