ALl the news from WOAPA including upcoming PERFORMANCES, IMPORTANT announcements and much more...

Witney Concert - Singing Group - Youth Choir

Witney Concert - Singing Group - Youth Choir

Witney Youth Choir & Adult Singing Group Concert
WOAPA singing at The Royal Albert Hall, London

WOAPA singing at The Royal Albert Hall, London

WOAPA's Oxfordshire Singing Group to perform at London's Royal Albert Hall
Witney Youth Choir Concert - Oxfordshire

Witney Youth Choir Concert - Oxfordshire

Witney Youth Choir Concert - Oxfordshire
Arts Award pass for WOAPA students

Arts Award pass for WOAPA students

Two more students of West Oxfordshire Academy of Performing Arts pass their Bronze Arts Award.
Witney's Children's Choir & Adult Singing Group concert

Witney's Children's Choir & Adult Singing Group concert

Witney Concert news from WOAPA's Young Singers and Adult Singing Group

Eynsham Carnival 2014

Eynsham Carnival 2014