ALl the news from WOAPA including upcoming PERFORMANCES, IMPORTANT announcements and much more...

WOAPA's Big Family Fun Day

WOAPA's Big Family Fun Day

Get Creative at the Family Arts Festival "WOAPA's Big Family Fun Day"
Children Dance, Drama & Singing Summer School, Witney 2016

Children Dance, Drama & Singing Summer School, Witney 2016

Children's Singing, Dance & Drama Summer School in Witney, Oxfordshire, 2016
Film casting for Oxfordshire children

Film casting for Oxfordshire children

filming opportunity for Oxfordshire children theatre school
Diggy Diggy Hole video reaches 100k + views

Diggy Diggy Hole video reaches 100k + views

WOAPA's video of 'Diggy Diggy Hole' reaches over 100k
Children's film project

Children's film project

WOAPA to take part in a children's music video
Stagecoach Oxford #Greenart competition

Stagecoach Oxford #Greenart competition

#Greenart competition - Stagecoach Oxford