ALl the news from WOAPA including upcoming PERFORMANCES, IMPORTANT announcements and much more...

Audition success for WOAPA students

Audition success for WOAPA students

WOAPA students Mollie & Sharleigh set to appear in Christmas production

WOAPA students' pantomime audition success

WOAPA students' pantomime audition success

WOAPA students' pantomime audition success
Children Stage|Theatre auditions Oxford | Oxfordshire

Children Stage|Theatre auditions Oxford | Oxfordshire

Children Stage|Theatre Auditions Oxford | Oxfordshire
Congratulations to WOAPA student Nia, who has been offered a place at Guildhall's Jr dept. London.

Congratulations to WOAPA student Nia, who has been offered a place at Guildhall's Jr dept. London.

Congratulations to WOAPA student Nia A, who has been offered a place at Guildhall's Jr dept. London.

Singing Dance Acting Children Performing Arts Theatre Stage School Faringdon

Singing Dance Acting Children Performing Arts Theatre Stage School Faringdon

Singing Dance Acting Children Performing Arts Theatre Stage School Faringdon
School of Drama Eynsham Singing Dance Acting Children Performing Arts Theatre Stage School

School of Drama Eynsham Singing Dance Acting Children Performing Arts Theatre Stage School

School of Drama Eynsham Singing Dance Acting Children Performing Arts Theatre Stage School